Cultura/Lazer Mercados/Negócios

Lamp and Light – por Paulo Siuves

“Anyone who could look from a distant point on the horizon, would see it and could run away from the darkness”

Jornal Clarín Brasil JCB News – Brasil 03/01/23

In the distance I observed a lamp, it was lit and emitted a glow. There was no one close to her, no living soul to enjoy her kindness and there was no one around to bathe in the rays of light that the lamp threw on her. Well, she was an active lamp, gesticulating a lot, inviting all beings to delight in her generous offer, clarity. I watched her curiously, hidden in the darkness of the place where I, being able to see her, would not draw attention to me. Like a beacon shining in the dark night, she kept calling, waving, in useless seduction. Nobody came for her.
From a distance it was possible to see the lamp inviting, calling whoever was close, nor would it need to place itself under the glare, the lamp would feel fulfilled if it could illuminate any person, any living being, endowed with the sense of vision, it would be enough to be able to approach out of the darkness, that the lamp would feel that its existence would have been worthwhile. But no animal came to give him reason to be, neither rational nor irrational. There was no sound of life or movement, just the vast horizon with no one. Anyone who could look from a distant point on the horizon, would see it and could run away from the darkness.
The light did not speak to the blackness, they were always enemies and they always will be, and wherever there are children of light, the black veil of the abyss will be absent. And where darkness is reigning, the lamps will not give a glimpse of your graces. It is impossible for both to be in the same space … and I, knowing this, did not want to approach the light or remain in darkness, I was hidden in the gloom, between the reach of clarity and the touch of absolute blackness. I stood still, completely immobile, feeling the rustle of copulation over the inert nature.
The solitary flicker of the lamp was sad, I watched it and did not approach. I had the urge to throw myself under the bright wisdom, under the comfort of the lighted place, but I waited for another being to venture to heed the invitation of the illuminating beam of protection and relief. The glow around him was enough to compare it to the sun itself, but without heat. It was just light, a source of illumination, a permanent state of glory. I remained distant, out of the absolute darkness, yet, far from the glowing fire, I did not want to expose all my defects under that radiance.

Paulo Siuves é escritor, bacharel em Estudos Literários pela Faculdade
de Letras da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, presidente da Academia
Mineira de Belas Artes, Embaixador Cultural da Academia de Letras do
Brasil, músico e agente de segurança pública em Belo Horizonte, e escreve
semanalmente para o Jornal Clarín Brasil

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